Ichem Besseghir

Senior Investment Officer, Proparco (AFD)

Ichem Besseghir

Senior Investment Officer, Proparco (AFD)


I am a senior investment officer with more than 15 years of experience. I have joined Proparco in 2016 after having for more than 10 years worked for French investment banks in project finance.  My main tasks at Proparco are to originate and structure new financings in infrastructures’ field. This encompasses feasibility and bankability analysis of the projects, financial modeling, drafting of credit notes, credit committee, presentation to authorities, and negotiation of contractual documentation with borrowers, developers, sponsors and Authorities).  I am/have been involved in several water projects such as the Disi Conveyance Project in Jordan, a portfolio based approached with China Water Affairs in China, Aqaba Amman Water Desalination and Conveyance Project.