Mr F. Javier Fernández Delgado graduated in Mathematics, specializing in Operational Research, at Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 1989.
Prior to joining Canal de Isabel II in 1992, he worked as a consultant for Andersen Consulting and Isdefe (Spanish Ministry of Defence). During his 25 years working for Canal de Isabel II, he has carried out duties as an analyst in network modelling and demand management, Head of Software Development, and Head of IT.
Since 2007 he is the Deputy Director in charge of Telecontrol, and is responsible for Instrumentation, Control, Automation, Telecommunications, Metrology, the Control Centre, DMA management and reduction of non-revenue water. He is also representative of Canal de Isabel II in IWa’s Hydroinformatics group, the Smart Water Network Forum, the workgroup for reduction of non-revenue water of the Spanish Waterworks Association, EUREAU’s Joint Working Group for Innovation and the Spanish group for Standardisation of Smart Cities.
Day 1: Monday 16th April 2018
14:00 – 15:30 – Digital – Digital Strategy Roundtables