Jeremy Conway

CEO - Infrastructure, Government of South Australia

Jeremy Conway

CEO - Infrastructure, Government of South Australia


As Chief Executive of Infrastructure SA, Jeremy has led development of the State’s first 20-year infrastructure strategy and is responsible for providing independent advice to the South Australian Government on infrastructure projects and prioritisation.

His team has a strong focus on evidence-based decision-making and seeks to improve the maturity of infrastructure planning and investment across government. Infrastructure SA also aims to identify projects that deliver benefits for all South Australians by adopting a state-wide cross-sectoral lens.

This is aided by Jeremy’s deep experience in both the public and private sectors. He has held senior roles at the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure and Department for the Premier and Cabinet; meanwhile his vast commercial and business experience comes from having worked in property development at Places Victoria for three years and in private equity CVC Capital Partners in London for nine years.



Wednesday 10th May, 11:00 – 12:30: Big Plans Roundtables