Norbert Gasten

Director in the Power, Renewables and Water Department, KfW IPEX-Bank

Norbert Gasten

Director in the Power, Renewables and Water Department, KfW IPEX-Bank


Norbert Gasten is Director in the Power, Renewables and Water Department of KfW IPEX-Bank, which is the international export and project finance arm of KfW banking group. Since almost twenty years his sectoral focus is on water supply, wastewater treatment, waste disposal, as well as on energy production (gas fired power plants, concentrated solar power) and distribution. Working on the market side, he is in charge of developing, structuring and negotiating long term lending transactions worldwide as well as of keeping close relations with key clients in the water and wastewater sector. Depending on the requirements of each particular project he covers the whole range of financing products from pure corporate loans over ECA covered export credits to complex project finance transactions and forfaiting. He joined KfW banking group in 1989 and has since been working in international financing, both on the commercial financing side and on the development financing side.

Before that he was five years with a German consulting firm, dealing with development projects in various sectors and regions of the world. He holds masters’ degrees in Economics from both the University of Bonn and the University of Kansas as well as a post-graduate certificate in Development Economics and Policy from the German Development Institute.


Day 1: Monday 16th April 2018

11:15 – 12:45 – Roundtables