Xiong Joine

Vice Dean, SMEDI

Xiong Joine

Vice Dean, SMEDI


Mr. Xiong joined SMEDI in 2003, which is the leading consultancy company in China, especially prominent for the Water and Wastewater Sector. In SMEDI, as an expert in water, he had multiple practices in Process Engineering, Marketing and Business Management, internationally and aboard.

As a fellow with 20 year’s professional experience, Mr. Xiong witnessed the increasingly stringent standards for drinking water in China, and the potential market for advanced technology, equipment, business models, etc.

He obtained his master’s in Environmental Engineering and is pursuing his PHD in Environment Management from HIT.

Mr. Xiong hopes to build the best reputation for SMEDI, to mutually develop the Chinese and international markets, aiming to provide clean, safe, and affordable drinking water.